As of the 13th December 2024 you will need to comply with the GPSR EU legislation - explained here.  The legislation applies new requirements on consumer products sold in the EU market. 

This will impact businesses in GB selling work, products and goods to customers in the EU, and crucially this legislation also covers selling to Northern Ireland.  The UK government information can be found here which provides detailed guidance. 

The EU rules also mean that any artists and arts organisations manufacturing and selling goods to consumers in the EU and NI must work with a responsible economic operator based in NI or the EU. 

If you export to the EU the department of Trade and Business is hosting webinars as part of the export academy on the changes that you can sign up to, and ensure you are preparing for these changes. 

For information on how these new rules apply in Northern Ireland join one of these virtual drop-in sessions on Microsoft Teams also with the department of Trade and Business. You do not need to register, just follow the links on the dates below to join:  

We want to raise awareness of these changes, and we are working with partners to get more clarity of the specific impacts on arts sector.  Updates to follow in the New Year. 



December 2024