The content and information provided on this website is intended as a guide and does not constitute legal advice.
While Arts Infopoint UK will respond to enquiries and assist in locating official information appropriate to your situation, if you do need individual legal advice, you should get in touch with a suitably qualified lawyer.
Arts Infopoint UK has made all efforts to ensure that the information and content we provide is accurate at time of posting. However, while we commit to regularly reviewing and updating information and links, it is not possible to fully guarantee that this information is always up-to-date and correct. UK Government sources will always be where you can find the official information and guidance.
We also link to a number of external resources and websites, which we believe are useful and present information in a helpful manner for artists and creative professionals. However, Arts Infopoint UK is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information provided by third party links you may access through our website. Arts Infopoint UK disclaims all liability arising from the use of the third party websites.